Budd Central Vacuum Hoses

Choose from a large selection of replacement Budd central vacuum hoses.  We carry all types including standard, low voltage, pigtail, stretch and extension hoses in a variety of lengths.  For a further explanation of hose types, click below to view pictures and descriptions.

When purchasing a replacement Budd vacuum hose, it is critical to match it to the inlet as well as wand and cleaning attachment.  Some Budd inlets have only a 1 1/4 inch inside diameter compared to the standard 1 1/2 inch inside diameter required for current hoses.  These inlets require an adapter that is installed on the replacement hose. The handle end can have button-lock or friction connection, a switch to control the vacuum and power head, and a high voltage receptacle. Over the years, Budd| has used a variety of electric powerhead and wand configurations.  For some of these, a new wand is required to connect to hoses that are currently available.

Please call our friendly experts with any questions concerning replacement of your Budd central vac hose.

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